FCPS past papers, mcqs recalls, old examination practice papers download
March 2008
Note: Some questions are incomplete are missing. So please be patient as we will update when we find complete questionnaire. If you have complete questions please share with us. Thank you.Questions:
1] Which one of the following is COX-II INHIBITOR?
A} Aspirin
B} Ibuprofen
C} Indomethacin
D} Meloxicam
E} Piroxicam
2] Which one of the following vitamin deficiency causes HOMOCYSTENURIA?
A} Vitamin B1
B} Vitamin B2
C} Vitamin B6
D} Vitamin B12
E} Biotin
3] Which one of the following structures is present at free edge of LESSER OMENTUM?
A} Bile duct, cystic artery, portal vein
B} Bile duct, hepatic artery, portal vein
C} Hepatic vein, hepatic artery, portal vein
4] A 16 year old boy was given CO-TRIMAXAZOLE for fever, after few hours he developed red color urine, likely abnormality is in
A} Glucose-6-Phosphate deficiency
B} Immune hemolysis
C} Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria
D} Malaria
E} Sickle cell disease
5] Thiamine deficiency causes
A} Peripheral Neuropathy
B} Pellagra
C} Chelosis
D} Dermatitis
6] Milk is notoriously deficient in
A} Vitamin C
B} Iron
C} Riboflavin
D} Pantothenic acid
E} Vitamin A
7] Dry heat kills the bacteria by
A} Coagulation of proteins
B} Cell lysis
C} Free radical formation
D} Direct killing
E} Oxidation
8] Virus damage the cell by
A} Making the pores in cell membrane
B} Forming free radicals
C} Altering the formation of proteins
D} Nuclear damage
E} using energy for their own metabolism
9] Which one of the following lipoprotein has highest protein content?
10] All are related to PLATELET FUNCTION EXCEPT
A} Capillary resilience test
C} Clot retraction
11] ALLELLE is:
A} Fragmented genes
B} Non-identical genes
C} Structural genes
D} Regulatory gene
E} Autosomal Dominant gene
12] D.I.C is stimulated by:
A} Factor X
B} Factor XII
C} Thromboplastin
D} Factor IX
E} Fibrinogen
13] In parenchymal cells Iron is deposited in the form of
A} Tranferrin
B} Ferritin
C} Heamatin
D} Heamoglobin
E} Lipifuscin
14] a mother is having blood group A+(Ao, DD), father is having blood group B+(Bo, Dd). Which of the following blood group cannot be inherited by their children?
A} A+
B} B+
C} AB+
D} AB-
E} O+
15] The person has suffered the injury to spinal cord leading to HEMISECTION of the cord, the IPSILATERAL sign will be
A} Loss of pain
B} Loss of temperature
C} Loss of sensation of touch and vibration
D} Lower motor neuron paralysis
E} Upper motor neuron paralysis
16] Valve less vessel is
A} Aorta
B} Pulmonary artery
C} Coronary Sinus
D} Pulmonary Trunk
17] A lady has undergone colostomy is now on the TPN. She is prone to develop:
A} Hyperglycemia
B} Hypocalcaemia
C} Hypophosphatemia
D} Hyperviscosity
E} Hypoglycemia
18] Turner syndrome
B} 45XO
C} 46XY
E} 69XX
19] Regarding Von Willbrand disease
A} Autosomal Dominant
B} Autosomal Recessive
C} Some family members have low level of Factor IX
D} Some family members have abnormal level of Factor IX
E} has positive family history
20] Which of the following condition is related to lymphatics?
A} Angiosarcoma
B} Rhabdomyosarcoma
C} Cystic hygroma
21] The condition in which pulmonary trunk fails to divide leading to
B} Truncus arteriosus
22] Basal Cell Carcinoma is located at
A} Lower lip
B} Upper lip
C} Tongue
D} Hard palate
E} Soft palate
23] All are branches of Vagus Nerve except
A} Auricular Nerve
B} Lacrimal Nerve
C} Recurrent Larengeal Nerve
D} Internal Larengeal Nerve
24] Permanent Atrophy is caused by
A} Loss of Innervation
B} Hormonal Deficiency
C} Immobilization
D} Nutritional deficiency
E} blockage of arterial supply
25] Which of the following is not Carcinogen?
A} Alcohol
B} Benzathracine
C} Cyclophosphamide
D} Benzidine
E} Dimethylsulfate
26] The Initial step in APOPTOSIS is
A} Inhibition of P53 genes
B} Activation of BCL-2
C} Activation of Caspases
D} pores formed by lymphocytes
27] Which of the following is content of Cavernous Sinus?
A} Oculomotor
B} Trochelear
C} Abducent
D} Trigeminal (V3)
28] Which part of kidney produces ERYTROPOITEN
A} Macula Densa
B} Peritubular Capillary
29] A patient with signs and symptoms of megaloblasstic anemia. The likely cause is
A Decreased GIT motility
B} Deficiency of intrinsic factor
C} Malabsorption
30] Stimulation to increase Serum Calcium is
A} Hypo-phosphatemia
B} Paratharmone
C} Decreased ECF
31] Malnutrition causes all of the following EXCEPT
A} Pitting Edema.
B} Loss of subcutaneous fat.
C} Failure to thrive.
D} Skin pigmentation
E} Thrombocytopenia
32] Liver biopsy from a patient shows a lesion which comprises of central collection of structure less material surrounded by epitheliod cells and lymphocytes. One large cell with multiple nuclei arranged close to membrane is also seen. The most likely change in central area would be:
A} Caseous necrosis
B} Coagulation necrosis
C} Fatty changes
D} Hydropic changes
E} Liquefective necrosis
33] A 28 year fisherman presented with slowly developing lethargy, easy fatigue and palpitations. His diet comprises of fish and rice only. Physical examination: Pallor, Loss of touch sense in both feet and legs Hb: 7.5 gm/dl, Platelet count: 110 x 10 9/L. Reticulocyte count: 0.5%. Stool DR: Ova of Intestinal parasite. The most likely causative parasite is
A} Ankylostomata Duodenale
B} Ascris Lumbricoidis
C} Diphylobothrium Latum
D} Strangyloids Stercoralis
E} Taenia Saginata
34] A 40 year old male after road traffic accident had received massive blood transfusion. He is expected to have all EXCEPT
A} Hypocalcaemia
B} Hypokalemia
C} Hypothermia
D} Left shift of Oxyheamoglobin dissociation curve
E} Metabolic acidosis
35] The endothelial molecules ICAM-1 & VCAM-1 are responsible for
A} Direct endothelial injury
B} Endothelial cell contraction
C} Junctional retraction
D} Leukocyte adhesion
E} Leukocyte margination
36] Eating raw or under cooked meat can cause infestation by
A} Dracunculous Medinensis
B} Echinecoccus Granulosis
C} Liver Fluke
D} Schistosomiasis
E} Tape Worm
37] A pt: has sustained burn that is very painful with blisters. Healing of this burn will take place from which of the following layers of the skin
A} Basal layer of epidermis
B} Keratinized layer
C} Layer of upper dermis
D} Lower dermis
E} Subcutaneous layer
38] A 40 year old male presented with jaundice and generalized itching. His LFT shows Direct Billirubin 11 mg/100 ml, SGPT 75U/L, Alkaline Phosphate 2300 IU/L 500IU/L. The most likely cause is
A} Drug induced jaundice
B} Extra hepatic Cholestasis
C} Autoimmune Hepatitis
D} Alcoholic Hepatitis
E} Intrahepatic Cholestasis
39] The tissue damage by Ionization Radiation is due to
A} Damage to Golgi bodies
B} Formation of free radicals
C} Hydropic degeneration
D} Metaplasia of cell
E} Swelling of cells
40] Formation of free radicals cause by
A} Ionization Radiation
41] Edema of renal origin is most likely due to
Albuminuria & sodium retention
B} Decreased water excretion
C} Hypertension
D} Renal stone
E} Sodium retention by the kidney
42] Increase in Light Chain Immunoglobulins Is the characteristic feature of
A} Endocrine type Amyloidosis
B} Hereditary Amyloidosis
C} Localized type Amyloidosis
D} Reactive Amyloidosis
E} Systemic type Amyloidosis
43] Chemotaxis is caused by
A} C5a
B} C5b
C} Lymphokines
D} Leucotriene B3
E} Opsonins
44] Following are the actions of Archidonic acid metabolites in inflammation EXCEPT
A} Chemotaxis
B} Increased vascular permeability
C} Thrombosis
D} Vasoconstriction
E} Vasodilatation
45] A 65 year old male pt: presented with chest pain for last 30 mins. And has ST segment elevation in LEADS V1 to V4. He is most likely to have
A} Anterior infarction
B} Anterolateral infarction
C} Anteroseptal infarction
D} Inferior Infarction
E} True Posterior infarction
46] A female at 30 wks of gestation has Hb: 9.0 g/dl with normocytic normochromic picture. The blood condition is most likely due to
A} Iron deficiency
B} Decreased bone marrow activity
C} Folic acid deficiency
D} Increased placenta size
E} Plasma Volume Expansion
47] The Sensations of Anterior Triangle of the neck is mediated through
A} C1, C2, C3
B} C1, C2, C3, C4
C} C2, C3, C4
D} C2, C3s
E} C1, C2
48] All are features of IRREVERSIBLE cell injury EXCEPT
A} Karyolysis
B} Karyorhexis
C} Autolysis
D} Shrinkage of mitochondria
E} Appearance of myelin figure
49] A young athlete has difficulty in flexion of knee and extension of hip. Which of the following muscle is likely paralyzed
A} Rectus femoris
B} Sartorius
C} Semitendinosus
D} Vastas lateralis
E} Popliteus
50] In the Aortic opening I the Diaphragm is constricted, which of the following structure will be compressed along with Aorta
A} Azygous vein and Vagus nerve
B} Thoracic duct and Vagus nerve
C} Thoracic duct and Azygos vein
D} Azygos vein and both phrenic nerves
E} Inferior vena cava
51] When the bulbur urethra wil injure, urine will leak into
A} Deep Perineal Pouch
B} Superficial Perineal Pouch
C} Fascia lata
D} Scrotum
E} Ischiorectal fossa
52] The most common site of fertilization in humans is
A} Ovary
B} Uterus
C} Fallopian tube
D} Cervix
E} Peritoneal cavity
53] The initial event in the transfer of RBC to site of inflammation
A} Margination
B} Emigration
C} Pavementation
D} Diapedesis
E} Phagocytosis
54] A semiconscious patient is brought to the emergency room. He has history of taking some unknown drug. NaHCO3 reverses the action of the drug. Which drug the pt. has likely taken:
A} Phenobarbital
B} Phenothiazine
C} Morphine
D} Diazepam
E} Alcohol
55] Within 1 hr of the Acute M.I, which of the following enzyme will be raised?
C} Alkaline Phosphatase
E} Troponin T
56] Which organelle is not present at axon hillock
A} Microtubules
B} microfilaments
C} Mitochondria
57] Which is not related to embolus?
A} Liquid
B} Gas
C} Thrombus
D} Amniotic fluid
E} Fat
58] Which of the following muscle compensate for supinator?
A} Biceps Brachi
B} Brachialis
C} Brachioradialis
59] A patient presented with anterior wall M.I Artery involved is
60] Which of the following molecule easily crosses Blood Brain Barrier?
A} CO2
B} H2O
61] Hypervitaminosis A cause
A} Ataxia
B} Anemia
C} Scaly Dermatitis
62] Hypertrophy indicates
A} Increase in size of cell
B} Increase in no. of cell
C} Decrease in no. of cell
D} Decrease in size of cell
63] Diabetic patient using Roziglitazone and metformin. Which investigation for follow up
A} Lipid profile + Renal profile
B} Renal profile + Hepatic profile
C} Renal profile + Hepatic profile + Cardiac
64] If the whole movement of Abduction of arm is lost the likely damage is in the Brachial Plexus
A} Upper trunk + Posterior cord
B} Upper trunk + Medial cord
C} Lower trunk + Posterior cord
D} Lower trunk + Medial cord
65] Cords of Brachial Plexus are named according to Relation with
A} Axillary artery
B} Subclavian artery
66] Myelination in CNS is done by
A} Schwann cells
B} Oligodendrocytes
C} Astrocytes
D} Microglia cells
67] Captopril
A} can be given in large doses in hypertensive crisis
68] Which of the nucleus is NOT related to Facial Nerve?
A} Main Dorsal Nucleus
B} Nucleus of Tractus Solitarius
C} Nucleus Ambiguas
D} Sensory nucleus
69] Platelets
A} Are formed from precursor cells in the bone marrow
B} Has no nucleus
70] Primary auditory cortex is present in
A} Occipital lobe
B} Superior Temporal Gyrus
C} Frontal lobe
D} Prefrontal lobe
71] Patient is suffering from factor VIII deficiency
A} Genetically Engineered Factor VIII is available
72] Most Common cause of Thyrotoxicosis
A} Graves disease
B} Solitary nodule
C} Toxic nodular goiter
D} Diffuse goiter
73] Which of the following is involved in maintaining RESTING MEMBRANE POTENTIAL?
A} Outward Potassium current
B} Outward Sodium current
C} Inward Sodium current
D} Inward Chlorine current
E} Sodium/potassium ATPase Pump
74] Heart sound produced by rapid ventricular filling is
A} 1st heart sound
B} 2nd heart sound
C} 3rd heart sound
D} 4th heart sound
E} 5th heart sound
75] A patient presented with vertical diplopic, head tilting, and also difficulty coming downstairs the likely nerve damaged is
A} Oculomoter nerve
B} Trochlear nerve
C} Trigeminal nerve
D} Optic nerve
E} Abducent nerve
76] Substance has to cross semi permeable membrane in simple diffusion
A} Is not saturable
B} Require carriers
C} Require energy
77] Carcinoma prostate drain into
A} Para-aortic nodes
B} External iliac nodes
C} Internal iliac nodes
D} External and internal iliac nodes
78] Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure is so
A} Catheter used is wedge shaped
B} Is direct measurement of left atrial pressure
C} Is direct measurement of Right atrial pressure
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